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3 cans, not 2

Visalia Public Works

The city of Visalia had a unique trash system for decades, called the split-can system. The green waste can was independent, but the trash and recycling were combined in one can with two halves—which didn’t leave very much space for either trash or recycling. When Visalia Public Works decided to do away with the split-can system, they reached out to us to help them spread the word and explain the process to the public.

Visalia Public Works

First and foremost, Visalia residents needed to know what was happening and when. We developed postcards, print ads, and bill inserts that explained the process, along with modernizing a brochure explaining what waste can be placed in each can. Each piece pointed to a landing page with more information and an interactive map. We then created a sticker that would be placed on the lid of residents’ current bins. We knew that residents would have a lot of questions, so we also produced an FAQ sheet to be used by internal staff and talking points for any media interviews. The three-can conversion took place over a four-month period, and all resident cans were successfully improved.


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